Jan 21, 2009

Where's Alexander now?

Well briefly, I'm in Mumbai, with a day or two before flying to Sydney for a week. The last few months of my blog still have to be blogged - Delhi, Jaipur, Pushkar, Pune, Goa again and Mumbai. And of course general specials on hygiene, family relations in India and the like have to be written. Fear not, I have lots of notes and will continue to blog when I get home. Only then you can come round and see me.

So to the question 'where will I be', the answer is Sydney, doing an Arts Degree at the University of Sydney. Thanks to all who helped with my application. I'll be in Tasmania during February and I'm looking forwards to seeing you all then.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Wow! Sounds like a great plan, Pos. Hope to see you when you're in Tas. Safe travels!

Anthony Rochester said...
