Apr 24, 2008

Answer to 'yesterday's' quiz.

Yes, it was the vegemite. I wasn't even craving it that much until I saw it. I took it back to the hostel and gave everyone a try, the consensus was of course that it was disgusting. I left it in the common room and the next day it was gone! I thought if anything would be safe it would be that. Who would steal an Australian's vegemite? :(

While on the subject of national pride, here's a tattoo (de rigeur for backpackers) on my dorm-mate's back. Can you see what's wrong with it (I guess if he flexes his muscles he can simulate continental drift!)?


Anthony Rochester said...

Where's Tasmania?
dot blogspot dot com

Anonymous said...

no tassie!!!:(

Anonymous said...

Oh good i did get the quiz right.I spel 'might' as 'mite' as in vegemite! Did you pick up the hint?