May 29, 2008

Meet Auri...

She's an old friend I made on a message board I used to post on when I was around 17. Bet none of you guys knew that, right?

Anyway, she's from Bombay, but studies in Canada and recently came back for a holiday. She took me to an awesome restaurant and bar the other night. It's nice having people on the 'inside'.

She likes the Beatles, cricketers, good food, books and music. Pretty cool.

The picture is totally stolen from Facebook.

And no my little cousins, I'm not marrying her.


Anthony Rochester said...

If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?

In other news, we got a piece of mail today addressed to Mr Alexander Pog. That's a good name. It says that you're invited to preview Australia's biggest stocktake sale, and that it starts early just for you! Don't you wish you were back home right now, eh!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I think you probably should... I only know one other awesome woman who likes The Beatles and cricket, and she's already married...

Alexander said...

Ant: Pog feels shit that he's missing out, especially since they're starting it early just for me. Could you let them know that I can't attend?

Pabs: Yeah but she's taken too. She's like the Sub-Continental Kate, I know.

Alexander said...

To make the point, sometimes at night I try to run through the track order of the White Album to get to sleep, I usually get stuck around half way through the first disc. Auri reeled it off with no trouble.

Last night I tried counting how many beds I could remember sleeping in, ever. I think I got to 87.

Alexander said...

I've been a busy boy.

Anonymous said...

why can't u because mum said we could go th india for thee weddig and wear saries

Alexander said...

I'm sure she said that.

If I get married of course you're invited but don't get your hopes up.