Jul 27, 2008

If I'm not mistaken,

today is Anna's 21st birthday. Today, you can:

- Drive a car
- Drink
- Get the keys to the house
- Vote

Or some of these things, I'm pretty sure. Catch-up blogging will start shortly.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

My cat friend Lucy will be 21 in Feb 09. I must let her know about all these rights she'll come into full ownership of...

Quick question: I watched The Darjeeling Limited on the weekend. Is your Indian adventure exactly like that or just a bit like that? Have you maintained Wes Anderson-worthy dress standards for the duration? Is your soundtrack as well-chosen and sixties-oriented?

Alexander said...

Wow 21, that's a ripe old age, my kitties lived to see their 21st too. Must have been all the love and cuddles. But I think the coming of age may have passed, do we have an established rate for cat years?

I watched the movie on the plane to Mumbai, it was a good primer. Yes, my Indian adventure is exactly like that. Until my iPod died, and I no longer had a well-chosen sixties-oriented soundtrack. My clothes are becoming more local (but not hippy-ish) as I go on. I would kill for luggage like that.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Love the luggage, love the suits, love the colours. It was the first Wes Anderson film since Rushmore in which I actually became emotionally involved with the characters. Mr Anderson does have a heart!

Alexander said...

The colours (and locations) of the movie are mostly in Rajasthan. It's the most photogenic of Indian locations (one of, I haven't seen them all), all big red turbans and white clothes, grand moustaches, beautiful saris and desert palaces. It can also be one of the most touristy places (in some parts). The countryside is a bit like outback Australia - parched desert and lush green gorges. Crazy music and smells and pinks and reds and greens everywhere.

BUT all places in India are very different from each other and each has its unique charms.

Actually I believe Wes Anderson's films are becoming more emotionally shallow and turning into set-pieces as he goes along. I enjoyed The Life Aquatic somewhat but The Darjeeling Ltd left me cold, plus it was going nowhere until the random Deus Ex Machina half way through.

But Pablo, here I am discussing film criticism with you and I haven't got to the real heart of things, like, I would have all cats were dismissive of any form of clothing, except maybe fur coats?

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Very much in agreement about the deus ex machina... but I think it changed things between the brothers in a way that was subtle albeit perceptible. worked for me. I thought this was far more 'emotional' than both The Royal Tennenbaums and The Life Aquatic. Didn't change my life, but I liked it.

Hey, just because I don't wear clothes doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on them. I do feel sorry for you humans though, having to bother with the whole clothing thing.