The camel drivers were very funny, sharing all sorts of Camel College Knowledge, such as:
"No chapatti no chai, no woman no cry"
"24 hours of power, no toilet no shower"
"Why not coconut" (rhymes in Indian),
and suddenly singing "I'm a camel man, in the bloody sand" to the tune of Aqua's Barbie Girl.
Some pics. Indian mud and shit hut. Really. Made out of sand and dried cow dung. Have to be rebuilt after every monsoon, but very cool:
Marcello on the dunes.
Looks like the last camel didn't make it.
Ruby, our dog. She followed us the whole way.
We didn't have enough people to do YMCA or early Beatles covers, unfortunately.
There was another Aussie on the safari, Chris. A la Dale Kerrigan and his hole, we built a cairn.
In case anyone doesn't know what a camel looks like:
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